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Great Horned Owl and Red Knot images courtesy of www.scottelowitzphotography.com
Our NJEA Review article will help YOU
bring birding into YOUR class!  

You will learn some effective ideas  to
integrate birds across the curriculum.
Bringing Birding to Our Students
Birding holds many benefits for youth including (but definitely not limited to):
improving observation skills
building an understanding of the natural world
providing new socialization opportunities
improving communication skills
developing behavioral skills (impulse control, attentional skills, etc.)
improving academic success

Unfortunately, many teachers have neither the time nor the resources to take bird walks with their students.  Even with the constraints of the current educational climate, teachers can creatively
weave birding into their classes. By dropping crumbs of avian awareness, teachers provide a trail
that may lead a few students to follow the birding call. This will ultimately afford their students the
many joy and benefits this popular hobby can hold for them.
Quick Tips for Teachers
Strategies to bring birding into your class without compromising curriculum.
keep a bird calendar on your desk / wall
have birding magazines and books on your shelves for recreational reading
celebrate life birds with them
integrate birds into various curricular areas  (feel free contact us for ideas!)
distribute bird book marks
keep binoculars in the room
tell funny / exciting stories about your own experiences (when appropriate)
keep a "class list" of birds observed from your window

Hopefully, you will pique the curiosity of a few students. Entertain their questions with enthusiasm. At this point, your excitement will be contagious. Spread the birding bug!
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Bringing the joy AND BENEFITS of birding to others - to promote both healthy living and bird conservation.